Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Souper Chloe

Avant le show avec Oli et Pierre

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Tea & biscotti

Enjoying some fine earl grey tea before our show in North Bay

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Parry Sound

Bill joined us in Toronto today and we drove up here for our gig. Nice

Dressing room camaraderie!

Fooling around with Connie in St-Catharines, Ontario

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

François Hubert prépare un nouveau single

François Hubert vient d'enregistrer 2 nouvelles tunes pour une compilation spéciale. Le tout devrait être prêt et disponible dans le mois qui vient...

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Little toes

Couldn't resist posting this photo!

Chloé Sainte-Marie

À ne pas manquer ... un des derniers show au Québec du spectacle Parle-moi.
Mardi, le 26 février au National, rue Ste-Catherine à Montréal.
Il reste qq places... Dépêchez-vous

Connie Kaldor Ontario tour

Headin' out with Connie Kaldor for a small 3 night tour in Ontario this coming Thursday.
Ste-Catherines, Parry Sound & North Bay.

Monique Jutras

Yesterday, we put the finishing touches to Monique Jutras CD. "Complaintes de la marinière" is the tentative title for now. Songs dating back a few hundred years... about what the wives of sailors did when their men were gone... !!! Pretty interesting stuff... Real nice project...


Late in 2007, I had the opportunity to do sound design for Nebbia. A cirque Éloize/Teatro Sunil production. The show premiered in Geneva on December 4th. Critics were unanimous... Fabulous!
Don't miss it if they're in a city near you...