Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas video 2010

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Monday, November 8, 2010

Fall news!

Things are quiet now at DPM. A few projects on the horizon, long term stuff.
Turned out to be quite a busy summer after all. Touring, recording, mixing & lots of mastering.
We're just settling in for the long, cold winter... but there's nothing like getting warm and cozy in the studio... If you're in the mood to record, now's a good time to book.

We've also acquired a few "bébelles" to make the most out of the location. My uncle gave me his John Deere Gator 6X4 for long rides in the woods. Also a 1941 Ford 9N tractor, which I lovingly restored. 

The bees are going into 'winter' mode. They produced over 200 lbs of honey for us this summer, even with 3 swarms!

The vines grew very well over the summer. We're right on track for a first wine production for the 2012 grapes!

Alors voilà! More news in a little while.


Thursday, July 1, 2010

Summer News @ Dogger Pond

We're kinda taking it easy for the summer!

We've worked hard so far in 2010 so we're trying to relax during the next month.
We'll be working in the vineyard & apiary. I'm also heading out to B.C. with Connie for several shows. I'll be accompanied by my homegrown personal roadie;
Luka!! A father & son trip :)
We do have several masters to do & 13 songs to deliver by mid-August... So a break here means we'll be working 1/3 normal hours.
plus, we might be headlining @ the Willow Bunch/Campagne Farm Fest on August 14th. À suivre...

In the meantime, drop us a line or come see us in person. Bring your swimsuits! the 'Dogger' pond is fully operational!


Monday, May 31, 2010


Currently recording fab trad group Genticorum. Beautiful music...

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Les joies de vivre!

Here's a view of a small corner of my basement (next to the freezer!)

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Wine from my Cellar

Here's a bottle from my Cellar:
2007 Tenuta Sette Ponti Crognolo

Ohhhh my, we love this wine!


My rating: ★★★★★
Type: Red
Price: $35

Sent from my iPhone

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Voices & 2 neck guitar!

Currently doing voices for Michel Lalonde's upcoming CD.

Also working with Yves Cloutier. The 2 neck guitar wizard!

Just finished mixing Jessica Vigneault's 1st 4 cuts.

Starting soon on another kids project with Gilles Vigneault. Deadling July 14th or so.

Linda Basso will be in soon to do her voices & mix her 4-5 cuts. It's sounding good :)

Fred Doiron will be doing lead vocals soon for his CD, maybe a few guitars and then mixing.

A few shows this summer... in B.C. with Connie and then Sask for the farm fest.

Busy summer...

For those who don't know, I'm no longer working at the Mondial. They pretty much bailed out of our agreement last summer. No funds and other such nonsense not worth getting into.


Thursday, April 22, 2010

Busy busy buzzy!


Been real busy lately. Mostly in the studio but also around it!
We're preparing a vineyard, taking beekeeping lessons & well... life in general
Since the last post in early Feb, I worked with Michel Lalonde, André Harvey, Mackinaw, Steve Normandin, Dany Roy, Michelle & the kids on the Little Blue Doggy, Yves Cloutier, Jessica Vigneault.
Did several mastering sessions too. Never a dull moment...

In a few weeks, we'll be planting some 700 vines or so. In three years, we'll have our own wine!
In June, we're splitting the hive into three hives, so that's an eventual 240 000 honey bees. Toby wants an even 1 000 000. Those are sticky numbers.
Haven't worked on the chairs much since last year. Too busy in the studio...
But this summer should be a bit better than last year. That was plain ridiculous... Too much work!

OK, over & out. Need sleep... 8 hours in the hives tomorrow. Vive les lessons!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Michel Lalonde in studio

Michel Lalonde is in studio this week. Paul Campagne producing. Remy Malo & Gilbert Fradette as rhythm section & me on guitars. It's sounding real cool...

Friday, January 22, 2010

André Harvey no 3

Currently producing André Harvey's 3rd CD.

Réalisation du 3e CD de André Harvey. Les basics et la plupart des guitares et piano sont faites.
Il reste qq guitares électrique et les BGs à faire. Ensuite c'est la voix principale à son retour du Brésil.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Recent news

Just got back from a mini-tour with Connie. Loads of fun

See you soon -D

A good wine

This is a pretty good wine for 16$ !