Thursday, April 22, 2010

Busy busy buzzy!


Been real busy lately. Mostly in the studio but also around it!
We're preparing a vineyard, taking beekeeping lessons & well... life in general
Since the last post in early Feb, I worked with Michel Lalonde, André Harvey, Mackinaw, Steve Normandin, Dany Roy, Michelle & the kids on the Little Blue Doggy, Yves Cloutier, Jessica Vigneault.
Did several mastering sessions too. Never a dull moment...

In a few weeks, we'll be planting some 700 vines or so. In three years, we'll have our own wine!
In June, we're splitting the hive into three hives, so that's an eventual 240 000 honey bees. Toby wants an even 1 000 000. Those are sticky numbers.
Haven't worked on the chairs much since last year. Too busy in the studio...
But this summer should be a bit better than last year. That was plain ridiculous... Too much work!

OK, over & out. Need sleep... 8 hours in the hives tomorrow. Vive les lessons!