Monday, November 8, 2010

Fall news!

Things are quiet now at DPM. A few projects on the horizon, long term stuff.
Turned out to be quite a busy summer after all. Touring, recording, mixing & lots of mastering.
We're just settling in for the long, cold winter... but there's nothing like getting warm and cozy in the studio... If you're in the mood to record, now's a good time to book.

We've also acquired a few "bébelles" to make the most out of the location. My uncle gave me his John Deere Gator 6X4 for long rides in the woods. Also a 1941 Ford 9N tractor, which I lovingly restored. 

The bees are going into 'winter' mode. They produced over 200 lbs of honey for us this summer, even with 3 swarms!

The vines grew very well over the summer. We're right on track for a first wine production for the 2012 grapes!

Alors voilà! More news in a little while.
