Monday, April 30, 2012

It's May... The bees are out in the fields, the apple blossoms are just coming out, the grass is green again... The koï fish have thawed, the kids are outside & the renovations are pretty much finished.
I've got 3 batches of mead brewing and some wine aging in a cask.

I'm currently working on Carmen Campagne's next CD.
Here she is with some kids from the Collège St-Bernard, who wrote the lyrics to one of the songs on her upcoming CD. François Yvon, the school's director is also in the photo with Carmen.
July Gaudet was here in February!!
She's working on her next CD. We're having a great time just being creative... one song at a time!
Here's a snapshot of her playing on the flametop Les Paul. (I do believe she's in love!)

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Mix with the Masters

I'm off to France in June to learn from THE BEST!
I've been accepted in a seminar with none other than Tchad Blake.
He's worked with just about everyone from Peter Gabriel to Suzanne Vega, Crowded House to Latin Playboys... I've been a fan forever. We modeled our Daniel Audio Labs nearfield monitors with quite a bit of Tchad's work.

7 days at Studio La Fabrique, recording & mixing.

Can't wait!